演员: 小林亲弘,白石晴香,伊藤健太郎,大塚芳忠,中田让治,津田健次郎,细谷佳正,乃村健次,菅生隆之
导演: 难波日登志,川越崇弘,江上洁,深濑重,中川聪,鸟羽聪,三好正人,铃木卓夫
角色: 暂无
评分: 豆瓣评分7.3
IMDB: imdb编号tt1213198561
剧情介绍: 日本动漫《黄金神威第二季》是一部好看的日本动漫/好看动漫,无需下载任何播放器即可免费在线观看,该节目讲述了: Lt. Tsurumi visits Edogai, a taxidermist, in the town of Yuubari. He has a new plan to bring chaos to the war moxia.cc for the tattoo code: he's going to create fake skins that only he can detect